Sam Gatteño Books: Sixteenth Century Books, Classics
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Apuleius, Lucius.
L. Apvlei Madavrensis Opera omnia qvae exstant. E quibus, post vltimam P. Colvii editionem, philosophici libri ope vetustiss. cod. ms. innumeris mendis expurgatis quamplurimis locis aucti, per Bon. Vvlcanivm Brvgensem.
Lvgdvni Batavorvm: Ex Officina Plantiniana apud Franciscum Raphelengium, 1588. 0. Hardcover. Octavo. Two parts in one volume. I: [xxiv], 431, [i]pp.; II: 298 [i.e. 296], [xl]pp. I: *8, **4, A8-Z8, a8-d8; II: AA8-SS8, TT4, a8-b8, c4. Last page blank. Printer's device on both title-pages. Italic letter, some Greek and Roman. Floriated woodcut initials, Contemporary stiff vellum. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 2314
USD 2900.00 [Appr.: EURO 2597 | £UK 2179.25 | JP¥ 412410]

Cicero, Marcus Tullius.
Alterum Epistolarum volumen. Ad T. Atticum, Ad M. Brutum, Ad Quintum Fratrem.
[Strassburg]: [Rihelius], 1582. 0. Hardcover. Octavo. [18], 335, [56] leaves. Title-page extended. Staining throughout, gets heavier towards the end. In a contemporary blindstamped calf binding. Remains of clasps. Adams C1923 (c. 1560). "CICERONIS STURM" stamped above an oval with a design of a king (David ?) kneeling in front of a tree with an inscription circumscribing the oval (somewhat faint) on the upper cover; the lower cover with floral wreaths intersperswed with small ovals depicting the heads of famous men. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 1372
USD 1100.00 [Appr.: EURO 985.25 | £UK 826.75 | JP¥ 156431]
Keywords: Sixteenth Century Books, Classics

Cicero, Marcus Tullius.
De Officiis Libri III.
Antwerp: Ex Officina C. Plantini, 1579. 0. Hardcover. Octavo. 239 pages. With Plantin's device on the title-page. Historiated woodcut initials. In a vellum binding. GRAESSE II, 176. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 549
USD 2200.00 [Appr.: EURO 1970.25 | £UK 1653.25 | JP¥ 312863]

Cicero, Marcus Tullius.
Opera. Ex Petri Victorii Codicibus maxima ex parte descripta Rhetorica; ...Epistolae ... Orationes ... Philosophica ... Petri Victorii Explicationes suarum in Ciceronem Castigationum.
Parisiis: Ex Officina Roberti Stephani, 1538-1539. 0. Hardcover. Folio. 5 volumes in 3. I: 288 pages; II: 416 pages; III: 639 pages; IV: 158 pages; V: 450 pages. General title-page and separate title-pages to sections. General title-page dated 1539, Rhetorica dated 1538, Orationes dated 1539, Epistolae dated 1538, Philosophica dated 1538, and Explicationes dated 1538. Eigtheenth-century red morocco, rebacked. Adams C1640; Renouard, p. 436; Schweiger I, 103; Not in Schreiber; Renouard, p. 48, 1539.8; Ebert 4255. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 1422
USD 7000.00 [Appr.: EURO 6268.25 | £UK 5260.25 | JP¥ 995472]

Cicero, Marcus Tullius.
M. Tul. Ciceronis Familiarum Epistolarum Libri XVI.
Paris: Apud Audoenum Parvus, sub signo Lilii Aurei. 1549. 0. Hardcover. Folio. [iv] leaves, 308 leaves. With the printer's device on the title-page. Historiated woodcut initials. In a modern dark brown half goatskin binding with marbled boards. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 550
USD 2400.00 [Appr.: EURO 2149.25 | £UK 1803.5 | JP¥ 341305]
Keywords: Sixteenth Century Books

Cicero, Marcus Tullius.
M. Tvllii Ciceronis Opera Omnia.
Geneva: Apud Eustache Vignon, 1596. 0. Hardcover. Thick quarto. Four volumes bound in one. With no separate title-pages to volumes II-IV. I: [iv]ff. 436cols.; II: 958cols.; III: 636cols.; IV: 714cols.; Index and Privilege - 40ff. I: 4, A4-O4, P2; II : aa8-zz8, Aa8-Gg8; III: a8-v8; IV: Aa8-Yy8, Zz4 ; Index & Privilege: A8-E8. Last leaf, E8, is blank and lacking. Engraved title-page. In a contemporary vellum binding. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 916
USD 1300.00 [Appr.: EURO 1164.25 | £UK 977 | JP¥ 184873]
Keywords: Sixteenth Century Books

In Hoc Volumine Continentur: Herodiani Historiæ Libri VIII. Et aliorum Historiæ. Sexsti Aurelij Victoris a. D. Caesare Augusto usq[ue] ad Theodosium excerpta. Europij historiae libri X. Pauli Diaconi libri VIII ad Eutropij historiam additi.
Florence: Impressum Florentiæ, Opera & Sumptu Philippi Juntæ, 1517. 0. Hardcover. Octavo. 90, 127ff. With the printer's device on the colophon. +4, AA8-KK8, LL10, A8-Q8. Nineteenth-century half calf over marbled boards. Bandini II, pp. 116-117; Adams H376; Decia 98; Renouard xli, 93. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 1440
USD 3500.00 [Appr.: EURO 3134.25 | £UK 2630.25 | JP¥ 497736]
Keywords: Classics

Orationes tres, cum Interpretatione Latina, nunc primum ad verbum facta, ad discentium utilitatem. Ad Demonicum, de moribus adolescentium. Ad Nicoclem Cypri regem, de principuem institutione. Nicocles, de principum & subditorum officio.
Venice: Apud I. Variscum et Soceri, 1567. 0. Hardcover. Octavo. 52ff. With the printer's device on the title-page and verso of final leaf. Text in Greek and Latin on facing pages. a4-n4. Boards. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 1447
USD 1500.00 [Appr.: EURO 1343.25 | £UK 1127.25 | JP¥ 213315]

Iamblichus de Mysteriis Aegyptiorum Chaldæorum, Assyriorum Proclus ... De Anima ... Item de Sacrificio et Magia. Porphyrius De Divinis ... Psellus De Demonibus ... Trismegisti Pimander.
Lugduni: Apud Ioan. Tornæsium, 1552. 0. Hardcover. Sextodecimo. 543 pages, [i]ff. Nineteenth-century half calf over marbled boards. Cartier 220; Graesse III, 447. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 1448
USD 2900.00 [Appr.: EURO 2597 | £UK 2179.25 | JP¥ 412410]

Diogenes Laertius.
Diogenis Laertii Clarissimi Historici de Vita, & Moribus Philosophorum Libri Decem, De vita, & moribus philosophorum libri decem, nuper ad vetusti Graeci codicis fiaccuratissime castigati, ...
Basilae: In Aedibus Valentini Cvrionis, September 1524. 0. Hardcover. Large octavo. [x]ff. 391 pages. With the printer's device on the verso of the final leaf. Small decorative devices on title, historiated woodcut initials. a4, b4-g4, a4-z4, A4-Z4, Aa4-Cc4. Contemporary paneled calf, worn and rubbed. Upper cover loose. Ties present. Acorns on both covers. Adams D486; Hoffmann II, 76; Graesse II, 397; BM Short Title Catalogue of German Books 244; VD 16, D 1837; Schweiger I, 97. Beginning with Thales of Miletus, there are over eighty biographies of Greek philosophers, ending with Epicurus. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 1425
USD 1700.00 [Appr.: EURO 1522.5 | £UK 1277.5 | JP¥ 241757]

Maximus, Tyrius.
Sermones sive Disputationes XLI.
Geneva: ex officina H. Estienne, 1557. 0. Hardcover. Octavo. Two volumes; one in Greek and the other in Latin. I: [4]ff. 263 pages; II: [8]ff. 320 pages. *4, a8-q8, r4, A8-X8. Eighteenth-century boards. Schreiber 141a & 141b; Renouard 116, no. 2; Moeckli, Les Livres Imprimés a Genève de 1550 a 1600, p. 33; Adams M939 & M940; NUC 371.210; Hoffmann, Lexicon Bibliographicum Scriptorum Graecorum 2.584, 587; Brunet III, 1551-1552; Dibdin, Greek& Latin Classics, vol. 2, p. 232. Editio princeps of the Greek text, published by Henri Estienne. The Latin text was first translated by Cosimo Pazzi and published in 1517. In this second edition of the Latin text, Estienne notes that he has corrected many errors in Pazzi's translation. From the library of Otto Jahn, with his bookplate. Otto Jahn was a German classical scholar who lived around the end of the eighteenth century. A very good set. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 1459
USD 2000.00 [Appr.: EURO 1791 | £UK 1503 | JP¥ 284420]
Keywords: Estienne Printing

Quintilian, Marcus Fabius.
M. Fabii Quintiliani Institutionum Oratoriarum Libri XII. Declamationum eiusdem Liber.
Lugduni: Apud Seb. Gryphium, 1540, 0. Hardcover. Octavo. I: 607pp. 12ff.; II: 247pp. Two parts in one volume. Collates "I: a8-z8, A8-Q8, R4; II: aa8-pp8, qq4." In a nineteenth-century quarter green morocco binding over marbled boards. Red label. BAUDRIER VIII, pp. 138-139. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 968
USD 775.00 [Appr.: EURO 694 | £UK 582.5 | JP¥ 110213]

Quintilian, Marcus Fabius.
M. F. Quintilliani Declamationes CXXXVII ... Nunc demum P. Aerodii Andegavi, ... ad V. C. Christophorum Thuanum...
Paris: Apud Federicum Morellum, 1563, 0. Hardcover. Quarto. [iv], 220, [x], 2ff. In a later calf binding. DUMOULIN, Vie et Oeuvres de Federic Morel, p. 180, 89; GRAESSE V, 530; EBERT IV, 1524. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 967
USD 775.00 [Appr.: EURO 694 | £UK 582.5 | JP¥ 110213]

Terence, Publius.
P. Terentii Afri lepidissimi Comediæ, Andria, Eunuchus, Heautontimorumenos, Adelphi, Hecyra, Phormio.
Lugduni: Apud Sebastian Gryphius, 1553. 0. Hardcover. Octavo. 310, [ii] pages. Italic letter. With the printer's device on the title-page. Last leaf with printer's device on verso lacking. a8-t8, u4 [-u4]. In an eighteenth-century calf binding, spine gilt. Front and rear free endpapers lacking. Some old staining. A tear on title-page, repaired. From the library of Joseph Sadony, with his bookplate. Baudrier VIII, p. 266. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 4
USD 990.00 [Appr.: EURO 886.75 | £UK 744 | JP¥ 140788]

Terence, Publius.
Il Terentio Latino, Commentato in Lingua Toscana, e Ridotto a la sua vera Latinita, da Giovanni Fabrini da Fighine. La Interpretatione de la lingua volgare e Latina.
Venice: Appresso Giambattista, & Marchio Sessa, & Fratelli, 1565, 0. Hardcover. Octavo. [3]ff. 438pp. 34, [82]ff. Collates "A8-Z8, Aa8-Ii8, Kk4-Zz4, AA4-FF4, GG2." In an eighteenth-century calf binding, worn. GRAESSE VII, 57. Good.
Sam Gatteño BooksProfessional seller
Book number: 972
USD 850.00 [Appr.: EURO 761.25 | £UK 638.75 | JP¥ 120879]

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