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White Eagle / Hayward, Anna - A GUIDE FOR LIVING WITH DEATH AND DYING. With commentary by Anna Hayward.

Newlands - Liss - Hampshire, The White Eagle Publ.Trust, 2002. 1st edition 217 pp. Pb. Facing up to the fact that we sooner or later die or pass on, is something that has a great many implications for us all, particularly when someone close to us moves on to a new life. This book includes not only White Eagle's teachings on the subject of death and dying, but lists practical suggestions for easing these last moments on earth - exercises, meditations and affirmations - and relates some uplifting first-hand experiences of those facing death, living with the terminally ill and coping with bereavement. Anna Hayward's connecting commentary provides a comforting blanket, as she uses her experience as a counsellor to reinforce White Eagle's words and to aid him in helping people overcome their fear of death. condition as new
EUR 9.50 | CHF 9.5] Buchzahl 56039

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