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Roos, Heinrich [1904-1977] - Henrici Roos in memoriam

Copenhague, Université de Copenhague, 1978. orig. wrappers. 24x17cm, 120 pp. Series: Series: Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-âge Grec et Latin, 24.. Minor wear. Several light stains to cover. VG. ¶ A memorial volume consisting of a collection of texts edited by Heinrich Roos. Texts in Latin; editorial matter in German or English. Contents: Eine Universitätspredigt von Heinrich von Ghent.--Drei Sophismata zum Formproblem in der Hs. Uppsala C 604.--Zwei Quaestionen des Radulphus Brito über das 'Significatum generis'.--Bartholomaeus de Brugis: Quaestio circa significatum generis.--The sophism 'Rationale est animal' by Radulphus Brito.
USD 45.00 [Appr.: EURO 41.5 | CHF 39] Buchzahl BOOKS026529I

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