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Kern, Robert; editor: - The Caciques: Oligarchical Politics & the System of Caciquismo in the Luso-Hispanic World

Albuquerque, Univ. of New Mexico Press, (1973). orig.cloth. 24x15cm, (6), 202 pp. Minor rubbing, VG. dustwrapper ¶ Contains Introduction + 11 papers. Includes: K.H. Schwerin "The Anthropological Antecedents: Caciques, Cacicazgos, & Caciquismo"; C. Gibson "Caciques in Postconquest & Colonial Mexico"; M.R. Nason "The Literary Evidence: The Term 'Caciquismo', Its Variants & Its Literary Scope"; R. Kern "Spanish Caciquismo: A Classic Model"; M.R. Nason "The Literary Evidence, Part II: The Cacique in Spanish Peninsular Literature"; E.-S. Pang "Coronelismo in Northeast Brazil"; Howard L. Karno "Julio César Arana: Frontier Cacique in Peru"; M.R. Nason "The Literary Evidence: Part III: The Cacique in Latin American Literature"; A. Ugalde "Contemporary Mexico: From Hacienda to PRI: Political Leadership in a Zapotec Village"; W.A. Cornelius, Jr. "Contemporary Mexico: A Structural Analysis of Urban Caciquismo"; W.J. Brisk "The New Caciquismo".
USD 59.00 [Appr.: EURO 54.5 | CHF 51.5] Buchzahl BOOKS009042I

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