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N/A; - Journal of Medieval Latin 19/2009,

Turnhout, Brepols, 2009 Paperback, XIV+355 p., 160 x 250 mm. ISBN 9782503527321. ¶ Richard Sharpe, Anselm as Author - Sven Meeder, The Liber ex lege Moysi: Notes and Text - A.G. Rigg, Adam of Barking: Work in Progress - Frank Coulson, Addenda and Corrigenda to Incipitarium Ovidianum (II) - James McCune, The Sermons on the Virtues and Vices for Lay Potentates in the Carolingian Sermonary of Salzburg - Constant J. Mews, Discussing Love: The Epistolae duorum amantium and Abelard's Sic et Non - Rory Naismith Real and Metaphorical Libraries in Virgil the Grammarian's Epitomae and Epistolae - Westley Follett, Archangelum mirum magnum: an Hiberno-Latin Poem Attributed to Mael Ruain of Tallaght. Languages : English, Latin.
EUR 80.00 | CHF 76] Buchzahl 39262

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